
Living Around Technology has conducted programs to students of many

 colleges and schools all over the country to eliminate the technology

 related problem like cybercrime, online bullying, online harassment, 

 addiction, mobile addiction, etc.


“This program is very important for every youths in the society. Internet, cellphones, social medias have destroyed the culture and norms of the society.This program can help society to stay stable with its norms and values. Every individuals are also needed to be aware about this impact of technology to them. “

“Living Around Technology is conducting very necessary program for youths and students of today. Cyber crime is in increasing rate. Nepal police also conducts these type of programs but the difference is LAT is giving a very detailed education and awareness on this topic. I got many new things attending this program conducted by Living Around Technology.”

“The response to the program conducted by LAT team was very impressive. Our students were very happy and they were very thankful to the school management for conducting this program. This is one of the basic program necessary in every schools and colleges.”

“i have been observing the programs of living Around Technology very closely. I feel that this is the most important program for any students to grow better and safer”

“Considering the present context this is very important program for every students . Program is representing the solution to  the most common problems among youths of this generations. I suggest to conduct these programs to more schools and colleges”

“This is very important program for everyone in the society. Students, parents, teachers all should be attending the program conducted by LAT. Today’s youths are highly negatively affected by technology and LAT gives the solutions. I recommend every institutions of Nepal to conduct this awareness programs”

We went to more than 5000 students of different places of Nepal

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students counselling
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