About us
Living around Technology is a non profit organization led by youth’s in present context, technological resources like mobile devices, computers, games, software, have been very close to our life and daily living. Use of such technologies has made very easier in every aspect.
Living Around Technologies is established to research and reudce the ongoing and growing problems of mobile phones, computer, internet, etc. and its related crimes through awareness. The problems such as cybercrime, online bullying, online harassement, internet addictiion, mobile addiction, etc. are seen in rural as well as urban areas of our country. Although technology has made peoples life simple and easy, people are oblivious about its negative impact. The cases of cybercrime and other effects of technology such as online bullying, online harassement, threat, etc. are yet not commonly notice but creating huge impact on common life of people. Most of the people who are underage are influence by tablets, mobile, laptop, internet, social media etc.
In contrast, people are unware on how the lie and prestige of people and society can be deteriorated because of its wrong use. Hence it is necessary to eradicate the dark side of cell phone internet computers, scoial networks, so that poeple can use it in better way and lead healthy and happy technological life.
The major objective of Living Around Technology is to orient the work of LAT program and help them to eliminate the technical or cyber crime related problem. Apart from the following problems, LAT organize programs to improve social and cultural aspect for children, women and other backward people with the help of skilled manpower.
Considering the following objectives, LAT another major objective is to provide technical resource in rural areas with the collaboration of concerned authorities. Most of the provlems such as bullying, online harassment, sexting, etc are common in soicety. In the mean time, health and psychologica; problems like eye irritation, blindness, stress, anxiety, distraction, etc. are also discussed with the bunch of people.
Message from president
Biswa Aryal
Living Around Technology is established to research and reduce
the ongoing and growing problems of mobile phones, computer, internet, etc. and its related crimes through awareness. The problems such as cybercrime, online bullying, online harassment, internet addiction, mobile addiction, etc. are seen in rural as well as urban areas of our country. Although technology has made peoples life simple and easy, people are oblivious about its negative impact. The cases of cyber crime and other effects of technology such as online bullying, online harassment, threat, etc. are yet not commonly noticed but creating huge impact on common life of people. Most of the people who are underage are influenced by tablets, mobile, laptop, internet, social media etc.
In contrast, people are unaware on how the life and prestige of people and society can be deteriorated because of its wrong use. Hence it is necessary to eradicate the dark side of cell phones, internet, computers,social networks, so that people can use it in better way and lead healthy and happy technological life.

We went to more than 5000 students of different students of Nepal
Students Counseling
Cases Solved